Research Mission


Translational Neurorehabilitation of Central Nervous System Injury and Disease

The primary focus of the Bose Laboratory is to understand the molecular neurobiology of motor, sensory (pain) and cognitive plasticity following CNS injury, and how therapies translate into changes in improved neurological function. Attention has been given to develop a research program in drug development especially therapies aiming at to reduce secondary injury following CNS trauma (e.g. TBI and SCI), stroke, and Parkinson’s disease. Focus has been given to cellular and molecular neurobiology related to therapy-induced recovery of disabilities (e.g. spasticity/rigidity-motor, pain, anxiety-like behavior, cognitive impairment, and balance problems) using preclinical models. Research question has sought to elucidate mechanisms of CNS injury, its sequelae and mechanism of recovery following drug intervention. The Bose laboratory and the Translational Neurorehabilitation of Central Nervous System Injury Research Node of Excellence involve the development and testing of innovative, targeted and translational pharmacological therapies alone or in conjunction with complementary activity-based therapies (e.g., programmed locomotor exercise, transcranial magnetic stimulation, electrical stimulation on acupuncture points, and stem cell and gene therapy). Therapies are aimed at preventing secondary injury, promoting guided neuroplasticity and ultimately, reducing disability.